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Harshit Walia

Software Developer
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I believe in making the world better by building simple, powerful, and robust software. My interests include algorithms, communications, and server software with a strong emphasis on elegance and performance. I am an avid competitive programmer too.

Professional Experience

Current 2024
Software Engineer II | Delhi, India

Search Enterprise Infrastructure

Software Development Engineer II | Gurugram, India

Building interfaces and frameworks to improve Client Experience in Consumer Payments Team [August 2022-> March 2023] and Working on a comprehensive trial management solution catering to any team trial and testing needs. [March 2023 -> Now]

Goldman Sachs
Technology Analyst | Bangalore, India

Developer in Global Markets Division, with special emphasis on creating intuitive trading platforms that track the firm’s inventory in real-time and provide better visibility and control over intra-day liquidity, ultimately facilitating traders to act decisively.

Tower Research Capital
Software Engineer II | Gurugram, India

Worked on developing softwares to improve automate & infrastructure surrounding the plumbing of finance

Samsung Research Institute
Student Trainee | Bangalore, India

Developed Apparent Age Estimation Software for Data Intelligence Team


Graduated as a Computer Engineer at Delhi Technological University, 2019.


  • Front-end
    React Svelte Angular Vue NextJS TypeScript Ionic Electron PWAs
  • Back-end
    Node Python Java C++
  • Other
    Agile .NET Linux MongoDB SQL